Saya adalah ibu muda yang memiliki profesi bidan, ketika memutuskan untuk memilih ASIX atau Kerja di Klinik, saya langsung memutuskan untuk fokus ASIX. berhubung saya baru menjadi ibu, rasa penasaran saya terhadap ASIX sangat besar, apalagi setelah membaca tentang banyaknya manfaat ASIX untuk kesehatan dan masa depan baby, waahh tambah semangat saya :-D Dibawah ini ada tulisan dari mba monic (konsultan ASIX) yang membuat saya makin yakin untuk melakukan ASIX, dan Alhamdulillah saya berhasil memberikan ASIX ^_^ walaupun saya harus resign dari tempat dines. Ada kepuasan tersendiri ketika saya berhasil melakukan ASIX ini. Insya Allah ini juga bisa menjadi bekal cerita saya kepada para pasien saya yang akan datang. :)
SIlahkan dibaca tulisan dibawah ini:
Sejak 2001 hingga Sekarang,
Rekomendasi Pemberian #ASI eksklusif 6 bulan / waktu mulai
MPASI (Makanan Pendamping ASI) saat bayi berusia 6 bulan / 180 hari = Belum
Dalam sebulan terakhir ini saya
membaca & ditanya beberapa Ibu menyusui yang menyatakan kebingungannya
karena tenaga kesehatan yang menangani bayi-bayi mereka baik itu dokter anak
maupun bidan menyarankan pemberian MPASI sejak usia 4 bulan, dan kata-nya
rekomendasi IDAI sudah berubah (saya tidak ada niat untuk mendiskreditkan para
tenaga kesehatan). Kemudian ada yang minta saya sumber2 asli yang menyatakan
rekomendasi MPASI diberikan saat bayi berusia 6 bulan.
Baiklah , silahkan simak kutipan2 ini,
semua sumber kecuali dari web IDAI tidak diterjemahkan bahasa Inggrisnya karena
tulisan ini benar-benar original filenya.
Rekomendasi WHO (World Health Organization)
Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding
& Age of Introduction of Complementary Foods
A. Guideline: Practice exclusive
breastfeeding from birth to 6 months of age, and introduce complementary foods
at 6 months of age (180 days) while continuing to breastfeed.
B. Scientific rationale: In May,
2001 the 54th World Health Assembly urged Member States to promote exclusive
breastfeeding for six months as a global public health recommendation (World
Health Assembly, 2001). This recommendation followed a report by a WHO Expert
Consultation on the Optimal Duration of Exclusive Breastfeeding (WHO, 2001),
which considered the results of a systematic review of the evidence (Kramer and
Kakuma, 2002) and concluded that exclusive breastfeeding for six months confers
several benefits on the infant and the mother. Chief among these is the
protective effect against infant gastrointestinal infections, which is observed
not only in developing country settings but also in industrialized countries
(Kramer et al., 2001).
Sumber : Guiding Principles For Complementary Feeding of
The Breastfed
Child - WHO 2010
Rekomendasi UNICEF (United Nations of Children's Fund)
Breast milk provides all the food and
water that your baby needs during the first 6 months.
• Do
not give anything else, not even water, during your baby’s first 6 months.
• Even during very hot weather, breast milk will satisfy your baby’s thirst.
• Giving your baby anything else will cause him/her to suckle less and will reduce the amount of breast milk that you produce.
• Even during very hot weather, breast milk will satisfy your baby’s thirst.
• Giving your baby anything else will cause him/her to suckle less and will reduce the amount of breast milk that you produce.
Water, other liquids and foods can make the baby sick.
Sumber : Key Message Booklet UNICEF September 2012
3. Rekomendasi AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics)
How long should I breastfeed my
The AAP recommends that babies be
exclusively breastfed for about the first 6 months of life. This means your
baby needs no additional foods (except Vitamin D) or fluids unless medically
indicated. Babies should continue to breastfeed for a year and for as long as
is mutually desired by the mother and baby. Breastfeeding should be supported
by your physician for as long as it is the right choice for you and your baby.
Rekomendasi Australian Government National Health & Medical Research
In Australia, it is recommended that
infants be exclusively breastfed until around 6 months of age when solid foods
are introduced. It is further
recommended that breastfeeding be continued until 12 months of age
and beyond, for as long as the mother and child desire.
recommended that breastfeeding be continued until 12 months of age
and beyond, for as long as the mother and child desire.
Rekomendasi IDAI (Ikatan Dokter Anak Indonesia)
002/Rek/PP IDAI/XI/2010 tentang Air Susu Ibu dan Menyusui
ASI eksklusif didefinisikan sebagai
pemberian ASI tanpa suplementasi makanan maupun minuman lain, baik berupa air
putih, jus, ataupun susu selain ASI. Pemberian vitamin, mineral, dan
obat-obatan diperbolehkan selama pemberian ASI eksklusif
Pemberian ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan
pertama cukup untuk mencapai tumbuh kembang optimal.
Infant and young child feeding Model Chapter for textbooks for medical
and allied health professionals – WHO
Recommended infant and young child
feeding practices WHO and UNICEF’s global recommendations for optimal infant
feeding as set out in the Global Strategy are: Exclusive breastfeeding for 6
months (180 days)
Silahkan baca tulisan2 mba Fatimah yang lain soal Bahaya Pemberian MPASI Dini (& Menundanya) di Notes & Timeline Photos saya salah satunya :
Insya Allah bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk ibu muda seperti saya.. :) Pilihan semuanya ada di diri masing-masing ^_^
Semoga bermanfaat.. Salam sukses.. \(^_^)/
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